William S. Yellow Robe, Jr.’s plays shine a light on the Native American experience. We welcome you to explore this collection of over 40 full-length and short plays so that you may also experience the love, heartbreak, and enlightenment that comes from his work. As Oskar Eustis, the artistic director of the Public Theater, wrote “Bill Yellow Robe's voice is funny, honest, and searing. He tells painful truths that are designed to heal, and healing truths that are hard to hear. He writes from an utterly specific Native world, one we all need to know, but he uncovers human truths that are universal and profound. He is one of our necessary writers. We would be much poorer without him."
After Mr. Yellow Robe’s death on July 19, 2021, his entire literary collection was gifted to the Dramatists Guild of America, Inc., an organization to which he was a long-time member. This portfolio is actively managed by DG©M.
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Full-Length Plays
A Broken Bottle - Broken Family
A Stray Dog
Breaking of Another Circle
Blood of the Wars
Building of A Barbie Doll
Coyte Tale
Cry Laugh
Grandchildren of the Buffalo Soldiers
Half Truth
Hate: Old Ways Learn New Ways
Independence of Eddie Rose
Makin’ Indians
Mixed Blood Seeds
Momma’s Song
New Forest Order
Our War
Pendelton Blanket
Pieces of Us
Powwow Highway - (adaptation)
Raising Gas Money
Return of Lisa Anne
Rez Politics
Sharing the Fire
Spotted Owl Project/The Forrest Order
Taking Auntry to the Wake (a.k.a. The Funeral Ware)
The Body Guards
The Council
The Star Quilter
Wakikna Unkiknabe: Centennial Play
Wood Bones
Short Plays
A Great Thing
An Indin’ Shows A War, But Not Civil
Bird Woman
Check Point Charlie At the Red Res Road Crossing
Detour Just Nearby Never Land
Falling Distance
Frog’s Dance
It Came From Across the Big Pond
How Tribal Are You?
One Step In
One Step Away
Raising Ma’Zaskz (Money)
The Last Sip
Tiger Lily’s Two Step
To Cross
The Independence of Eddie Rose